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URAC is an independent, nonprofit health care accrediting organization dedicated to promoting healthcare quality through accreditation, education and measurement. URAC accreditation is recognized and accepted by many different segments of the healthcare industry and by many federal and state government agencies as a measure of a healthcare organization’s quality. The URAC accreditation seal serves as a visible symbol of our commitment to quality and accountability.


“Solara Medical Supplies should be commended for its decision to be reviewed under URAC’s strict quality standards,” said URAC President and CEO Kylanne Green. “It is critically important for healthcare organizations to make a commitment to quality and accountability.”



NABP's Digital Pharmacy Accreditation has been accrediting pharmacies that uphold laws and meet the highest standards of pharmacy care since 1999. 

"Solara meets the highest standards of pharmacy care and complies with the licensing requirements of its state and each state to which it practices pharmacy."

Solara Medical Supplies is proud to be a member of the Better Business Bureau.
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